Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 10 - 14: Thanksgiving Break

I am so glad the long weekend is over! Too much good food floating around, but all things considered I think I did fairly well. Friday was probably the worst day for me as I did have a little bit of white potato and a small Diet Pepsi with lunch, but that was the worst thing I ate all week.

The mashed sweet potatoes and quinoa stuffing I made for Thanksgiving were a hit. A good many people in the family tried both and enjoyed it. I still have leftovers and I am glad because I enjoy leftovers from Thanksgiving. Yum!

Over the weekend I ran out of my "protein" shake so I had to run to the doc's office this morning and get some more. This was probably the worst weekend to run out of that, but I survived.

Well, I have only one week left of this strict diet! Some time next week after I am done with this diet, the doctor will be customizing a diet for me, so I am sure that there will be things I will be able to have again that I haven't been able to have during this time and I am sure that some things will remain restricted. My suspicions on what I cannot eat lie with gluten and anything deep fried in animal based oil or peanut oils. I also think caffeine and refined sugar will be out as well which is good as I need to kick my caffeine habit once and for all. If anything, this diet has been a blessing for kicking the caffeine. I honestly didn't see how I could go more than a day without my Pepsi, but I have learned that I can and I have also learned that I am the master of what I eat.

So, here is to the rest of the week! Today for lunch I have packed some leftover dill-lemon infused cod and some cooked zucchini. I made this for dinner last night and it was yum-o! So I am having it again for lunch today!

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