Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pizza Done Healthy!

I have been in a not so good mood today and when I get in bad moods, I tend to eat unhealthy foods, so I decided to come home and make a pizza. This pizza actually was very healthy. I made an Onion, Red Pepper, and Sausage Pizza. You are probably thinking, "How is sausage healthy?" Yes, sausage isn't typically healthy, but I actually found chicken sausage and that is what I used in this recipe. Chicken is much healthier than your standard pork sausage.

The recipe called for hot Italian sausage and the only thing could find in hot Italian was chicken, so that is what I used. The chicken sausage held well in this recipe and had a little bite to it. Quite enjoyable.

The onions and peppers were a nice addition to this pizza. I liked them a lot and I typically do not like veggies on my pizza. The onions and peppers added the right amount of flavor and went well with the hot sausage.

Of course, what is pizza without cheese? Unlike most pizzas, the cheese on this was not the standard mozzarella. This pizza had ricotta and Parmesan on it. I was really surprised I would like the ricotta. Ricotta is a little healthier than mozzarella and way more healthy than cheddar! The pizza sauce on this was just olive oil. Personally I think a thick sauce would have been too much. There was also rosemary in the pizza which gave it a nice flavor.

I added fennel seed to the pizza as well. Quite yummy! But fennel goes well with Italian sausage. The dough for the pizza was just a store bought pizza dough, which is probably the best way to go when making quick and easy recipes! I would also encourage that if you are going to make pizza, you should get some stoneware to cook it one. The stoneware cooks the pizza dough more evenly and makes it have that pizza oven\brick over restaurant feel to it.

The only thing I would do differently next time is maybe do two different colors of bell peppers for more color appeal! So, I was able to get my comfort food but on a healthier level!

Onion, red pepper, and sausage pizza:

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